Sauce: Piotr Wancerz / Timelapse Media

Photography and edit | Piotr Wancerz facebook.com/timelapsemediapl
Production support | Topdeck Travel | topdeck.travel
Music | Katie Herzig – Best day of your life | katieherzig.com
Model | Ewa Soda

00:01-00:16 KRAKOW, Poland
00:16-00:24 PRAGUE, Czech Republic
00:24-00:34 VENICE, Italy
00:34-00:54 LAUTERBRUNNEN Switzerland
00:35-01:12 BARCELONA Spain
01:12-01:33 PARIS France
01:33-01:42 AMSTERDAM Netherlands
01:42-01:52 BERLIN Germany
01:52-02:00 KRAKOW Poland

Special thanks to | Marta Bałabuch | Maciej Bieńkowski | Krzysztof Cyran | Sebastian Mamczyński | Marta Wancerz and Emanuel Watterqvist.
July 2014