Researchers at Penn States University have found that pigs can play video games using joystick and excel at it. They were said to enjoy it so much they’d beg to play.Elephants are often bisexual creatures. Almost 45% of their sexual activity happens between the same sex.After ingesting opium poppies, Australian wallabies have made crop circles in the field grown for medicine.A chunk six pound whale vomit has sold for more than $150,000. It has huge demand and is used in the manufacturing of high-end perfumes.Female spotted hyenas have penises that serve as an anti-rape mechanism. The male has to enter through it during copulation rather than the vagina.Horn sharks make egg cases that look like huge corkscrews to protect her offspring. She fixes the corkscrew eggs into rocks to make it hard for predators to get at them.Lobsters never age. The only common reasons for their death are being food for humans, parasites and growing too large.An estimated one third of all sex among ducks is forced sex. It is so prevalent that the females’ genitals are evolving to counter it.The blood of starfishes is just filtered seawater. They have no brains and their nervous system is spread through their arms.Black Panthers, jaguars, leopards and cougars are actually the same species of animals. Black Panthers are black due to Melanism, the development of dark pigmentation.A male porcupine douses the female with his urine to provoke her into having sex.An elephant in Corbett National Park, India, was so smitten by a lizard that she played with it and took it along with her for a few days.Dead whales that wash up to the beach can bloat so large that the pressure can cause it to explode splattering all its innards out. On Newfoundland’s beach a stranded blue whale was found dead. The tongue of this 50-feet long whale as seen in the image above was bloated to immense proportions.Argonaut, a variety of octopus, has a detachable penis that swims to the substantially larger female’s sac.Hippopotamuses secrete an oily red liquid that acts as sunblock and moisturizer. Despite what most people think, they do not sweat blood.Male giraffes often drink the urine of a female to determine if she is fertile in a process known as flehmen response.Many animals, both domestic and otherwise, have been known to commit suicide and exhibit self-destructive behavior.Pigs can ejaculate for up to a surprising 6 to 30 minutes continuously. The “World’s Ugliest Animal” blobfish looks ugly when out of water because of its low-density flesh. Under the deep sea the fish looks normal because the pressure compresses it to normal state.The penises of male alligators are always erect. They stay inside their body until they are needed.